Tuesday, September 30, 2008

724. financially stressed

Quote of the day: Ben, stop looking at Jo's thighs. -- Sharon

Good news is, I'm finally enrolled into the Singapore Media Academy Radio DJ Course (电台DJ培训课程). Course starting from 03 November till 07 November. I'm so excited that I could stop prancing in my cubicle the whole morning. Haha.

But after making payment, I'm so financially stressed! VERY VERY stressed!!! Haha...

As what Cheng said, the course is not expensive. Considering just spending $520 (before GST) to buy an experience and an opportunity, it's worth the price. Though I'm not pinning high hopes in getting a DJ job just through this course but it does give me the exposure that I need.

I'm not exactly sure if we will be given a chance to speak through the air but if we do get that, it's an experience for a life time!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

723. 이바보

Cry of the day: I wanna go for the DJ course!!!

The above title reads Ee Babo, which means "this fool" in Korean.

No, I'm not taking up Korean lessons yet. For those who have no idea this female group in Korea, Wonder Girls, then here it is. Introducing Wonder Girls. A group of damn young girls and they dance really good. Vocals are not too bad but think they need to start learning how to do serious harmony.

Here it is, Ee Babo by Wonder Girls.


Friday, September 26, 2008

722. phone woes

Question of the day: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

F1 week... Avoid the possible crowded places at ALL cost! Leave town as early as possible. Don't linger at City Hall for too long.

But I need to send my mobile for repair again tomorrow. The same problem just keep recurring! Farking hell!!! I seriously had enough of this stupid phone. Just kept on restarting even when I'm not even touching it! Or maybe my touch is electrifying...

The last time I went to service this phone, it was told that the software got issue. And they did sort of a software reload. And it doesn't seems to work. Totally crap. So if you are trying to call me and my phone seems be be off, then it is prolly off.

Trying to backup my stuff before the repair now.

I need a good and new phone. Samsung Omnia looks good. So does LG Secret.

Answer to the above question of the day: A teacher.

721. sorry wrong number

Rant of the day: I'm so stressed!!! But some people are simply bo dai chee chor (nothing to do) in office...

So sad right? More colleagues leaving... I guess it's really hard to stay in my branch. The personnel turnover is really quite crazy. I had pretty much endured for almost 1.5 years and another 1.5 years to complete my contract. So, I guess there isn't much choice. Leaving will means sacrificing the contract lump sum payment.

Not worth... So must finish contract or unless I'm sacked... Anyway, funny joke in email. Thanks P38.


"Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?"

"No Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul."

After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul."

"Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now."

**Brief pause**

"Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway."

"Okay Daddy, just a minute."

A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone.

"I did it Daddy."

"And what happened honey?"

"Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!"

"Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?"

"He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead."

***Long Pause***

***Longer Pause***

***Even Longer Pause***

Then Daddy says, "Swimming pool? Is this 486-5731?"

"Sorry wrong number."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

720. 什么是“乳”

Rant of the day: Gosh... I hate my elephant legs!!!

Saw this from a SMS circulation. Damn funny...



Haha... Then if this is the case, my head is pretty big. Does it means that I don't have 乳头?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

719. not your "dear"

Knowledge of the day: Starfish has no brains.

School re-opens. Yippeee... But should I even be excited? All I see in this huge class with those advanced 2 years are challenges. Somehow, I felt that this might be the end of my straight distinctions.

Yes, I'm worried of course! I mean they all came with PR or mass comm background while those peeps like me are novice in such areas. I ain't trusting my abilities at all now.

Anyway, 最佳乱乱“奖”has a new nickname -- starfish. Why? See the above. And can this starfish STOP calling everyone in office "dear"? It is totally mushy and DISGUSTING!!!

Starfish: Eh, sorry ah Eric. Can give me the update on your part now?
Me: (keep quiet and trying to ignore her while preparing my updates via email)
Starfish: Eh. If cannot, I try to ask for another extension.
Me: (still ignoring her and still compiling my part)
Starfish: Can give me by 3pm?
Me: (emailed her with the updates) See your inbox. Just sent to you.
Starfish: Ok. Thanks dear.
Me: ...

For goodness sake! To starfish, I am NOT your "dear"! Only my dear and some closest friends MIGHT call me "dear". And starfish is not considered to be my friend! We are STRICTLY colleagues!!! All about work and nothing else.

Guess what, Cheng also face the same issue! Haha...

Monday, September 22, 2008

718. we are going towards extinction

Rant of the day: No food is safe food.

Think one fine day, we will all extinct. Because, we will have nothing to eat!!!

Think about it, we cannot take dairy products because we don't know when will there be melamine added.

We cannot eat seafood because the sea is badly contaminated with toxic waste.

We cannot eat beef because of the notorious mad-cow disease.

We cannot eat chicken and ducks because of the deadly bird flu.

We cannot take vegetables because you don't know if they are genetically modified or over sprayed with deadly pesticides.

We cannot consume lamb because we ain't sure if there might be any "mad-sheep" disease.

We cannot eat pork because you don't know if they are fed with all the above!!!

We will all die of hunger! Guess the last thing to munch on is your buddy lar. Or maybe we can genetically modify ourselves to photosynthesize like the plants. Haha.

But I guess every manufacturer plays an important part with the authorities. Checks checks and more checks. Where is the QC? So, we know probably guess China DON'T care what they manufacture as long as it's cheap and presumably "good". How IRRESPONSIBLE can these money gobblers be?!?!?! Hope they take their own food product and die of liver hardening!!!

Now, that's scary isn't it? How can we ever trust our food source now? You seriously don't know what you are swallowing down your throat.

Look at how many children affected in China. Look at how many products are removed from the shelves. Look at how I throw away my titbits from my office cabinet! I'm not too sure if I might die one day because of these dairy shit.

My family used to take the Monmilk a couple of month back then when mum felt that it taste quite good and the price is pretty much affordable. Every Chinese New Year, my house will be stocked with the Bunny Milk Candy and I'm one of the major consumer. As and when, I'll munch on the Oreo Wafers I bought. I simply love those Meiji popsicles my mum bought. So smooth and delicious. I love the M&M chocolates and enjoy popping them one by one into my mouth.

Now, I'm getting worried about my liver...

Should I die one day because of the dairy saga, don't ever burn me China food products!!! And I'm not even sure if their clothes might cause my skin to get allergies!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

717. dead skin buffet

Rant of the day: Hate Mondays...

We had heard quite enough of the Spa Fish therapy right? But all we heard was just hearsay and you have to try it out yourself to find out if what was said is true.

As dear has some issue with the dead skin on her feet, I felt that it's time we seek some "professional" help from the fishes. After comparing the different prices in the market, I guess the one at Qian Hu is still the lowest and the information provided on the water UV sterilization is much convincing. I wouldn't want to run a risk of getting more skin diseases after the therapy. So, trust the established.

Woke up early in the morning and made our way to Choa Chu Kang. Damn far but no choice. But heng, the journey wasn't exactly tedious. Got free shuttle bus so not too bad right? At least I don't need to crack my head to find my way.

Qian Hu is huge man! So many cute lil fishes!!! Awwwwwww... Love the ridiculously stupid looking puffer fishes! So cute!!!

Paid $10 for 30min each and towel provided. Exceeding the time cost only a mere 30cents each minute! Cheap right? They got 3 different pools -- the small fish pool, small and medium fish pool and the really LARGE fish pool. I think we better try the first 2 pools first before challenging ourselves with the large ones. When I say large, it is really LARGE! About the size of your standard-sized promfet on your dinner table!

Yippeee... Dead skin buffet!!! The hungry fishes just couldn't stop nibbling on my skin. Damn itchy! And some of the smaller fishes thought my leg hair are worms and tried pulling them out. Ouch! I think dear and I could stop laughing. So embarrassing but we couldn't help it.

Dear tried to let the fishes eat more while I call for a quit because the fishes loved my feet more than dear's. Think maybe I got more dead skin than dear lor! I think I need to frequent here more. But looks like dear got the hang of it after a while. It's not painful. It's not scary. Just beat the itch!

The result: It really works! If we could sit a lil longer, I think more dead skin will be removed! Those thick skin that usually appeared on the back of my feet and on the joints of my toes are more or less thinner and some even gone!!! I'm totally amazed!!! Too bad. I didn't take any before and after photos but I think my words can be trusted.

We originally planned to visit here like once every 2 weeks so that dear can frequently get her dead skin removed to improve her condition. But I think after today's session, I think it's me who need my dead skin removed! Haha...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

716. magazine cover

Rant of the day: Shit... I think I might start to spam my blog if I have time!

Yeah, I'm the cover model for Model Magazine! Woohoo!

Ok, that's crap. Go to this website to put yourself on a magazine cover. But I wouldn't mind if anyone need me to be their model. I have the height! Ok lar, not well built but those sit and take photo can lar. Cover properly will not see my fats. Haha.

715. mini cupcakes

Rant of the day: I need more money!!!

I love weekends but it always seem short.

Doesn't it feels weird? The weather is getting warm and humid AGAIN! But we are almost near the end of the year isn't it? Today is like a sauna day. I sweat even when I'm sitting and not moving. Now that sucks!

Dear baked me some really lovely mini cupcakes! They are seriously delicious. Jealous? Haha. These are simple things to make me feel really touch.

Friday, September 19, 2008

714. our voices

Rant of the day: Work is piling and school term is starting... Shit...

The fact is we do not have a choice now. Kam Lin is sticking with teaching the class now. She can't even manage a class of 50 odd and now, the class grew to perhaps more than 100.

Having the experience in the field does not equates to having the ability to convey and teach students. You know how to cook hokkien mee very well doesn't means you will be able to teach someone to cook it correctly right?

Of course, the petition invited some different views from the class but I strongly believe as grown ups, we all have a mind of our own to seriously think for ourselves. What is right? What is wrong? The coin is on our own hands and it all depends on which side of the coin did we tossed and landed. In any case, different opinions also set us thinking...

Whatever the outcome maybe, if we don't try, absolutely nothing will happen. Whether favourable or not, it is a risk. Even though the change of lecturer is sort of impossible now, it does mean something to every parties involved.

To the schools, it is time to re-look into the evaluation forms we put up after the modules. The forms we filled up ain't meant for the trash bins. There is a much more importance to the things reflected within. Grievances? Displeasures? Compliment? Areas of improvements? It's not just about the formality for the form to exist. It is a bridge to reach out to the students.

To the lecturer, perhaps it is time to really wake up her idea. Self-reflection is seriously needed. If the lecturer cannot even build and maintain a slightliest rapport with the class, I felt perhaps teaching is seriously not your cup of tea. You don't use students' future as experimentation of your teaching methods. If it works, fine. If it doesn't work, how? The class is not your neighborhood playground mind you. Students pay to study. Students pay for your salary. We don't pay to play. So perhaps it's time to be professional and teach like one.

To the students, it is time to reflect whatever we wrote in the evaluation forms. Was it accurate? Was is enough to represent individual opinions? I mean, all students have a part to play. At least, by filling up the forms diligently, the ball is back to the schools to play. Where the evaluation ain't enough, further actions by the "deemed responsible" class representatives should be taken. At least let the schools have a chance to improve (if they ever read and consider the evaluations of course).

Also, students will need to reflect on themselves, if they had played the equal part to at least do what a student should do. Creating disturbance in class. Late or absent without valid reasons. Submitting serious crap to school as assignments (I meant those SERIOUSLY crappy work done). Have we played our part as students? Yes, we are their paymaster but we are students too. We have 2 roles to play, but play the roles correctly and ethically.

The fire wouldn't start without a spark. There wouldn't be waves if there is no wind. If something happened, it must had started by something else even though it's really minor. But I do believe at least our voices are heard but just that it's too late to do anything to change the fact. The petition will still go to the schools as stipulated to at least show we had done something to voice out, whether through correct channel or not but this is NOT important anymore.

So, to my dearest classmates, it's time to buck up and get yourselves ready for the coming challenge (at least try to endure through Kam Lin's lessons even though I know it's gonna to be really tough). It's time we all unite and study hard. Our grades are all along in our own hands but perhaps some have yet to see it. We will make it through ya!!!

Aside from the school saga, I can't wait for the BBQ tomorrow at dear's place! Woohoo!!! But dear is going through some serious indigestion now. She kept on feeling the urge to puke whatever she ate. Plus, she is having some dizzy spells. Shucks! Damn that bubble tea lar.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

713. petition

Rant of the day: We want change!

Dear students of 15th intake in BAMC RMIT

As we all know the upcoming lecturer is our "bestest" lecturer from the previous magazine module, please email your request to our dear Jess and Hudson (the ang moh RMIT coordinator) and express your displeasure, if you are feeling it of course. It's time to put your pitching skill into good use!


And if you wanna sign a petition, click here! Please circulate the petition and sign off classmates!

Many thanks

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

712. i don't wanna grow up

Rant of the day: I'm getting fat! Shit!

While PCD seems eager to grow up, I kinda wish I don't grow up so fast. Not say stay childish but rather to stay young, vibrant and active. Getting older means more responsibilities. Getting older means more work and less time. Getting older means ne step closer to your grave lar.

So maybe PCD wish to get closer to their grave. Haha. Enjoy the boobies MTV. Their chest popping technique no joke. Damn good. Maybe because their boobs are good lar. Hahaha.

Anyway, think I'm getting much better from the idiotic flu bug. But not fully recovered though. Tried running 4km yesterday and I was so out of breath. My lungs sort of have insufficient capacity to hold the oxygen that I'm trying to breathe in. For a moment, I thought that I might simply die due to suffocation.

Serious... I really cannot breathe after the run. And that's scary!!!

Time to sleep. Tata.

Monday, September 15, 2008

711. deric boy

News of the day: A pig's orgasm last 30min!

I'm not too sure if too long is good but having an orgasm for 30min sounds tiring... and painful!!! Imagine all the muscle contraction for soooooo long! I think I might get muscle cramp lar. Crazy...

Anyway, Deric is growing up so fast that I can believe my eyes!

Awwwww... isn't he cute and handsome??? And he is pretty smart too. Knows exactly when we will chase him back into his sleeping area and simply refuse to budge.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

710. good girl turn wild

Rant of the day: Tired...

Something I have to admit, I am really getting old. Clubbing can "kill" me. Damn tiring and somehow, more damaging than what I can feel back then when I was still a blur blur poly student.

I use to dance till the lights turned on, till the music turned mellowed. But yesterday night was totally tiring. Yes, my back aches like hell now. Oh ya... and my neck too.

Oooowwww... I need a good massage...

Something I'm really afraid of when I'm clubbing -- when good girls turn WILD! And when I say wild, it is really WILD... Too high on alcohol. Heng... it's not dear. Haha.

When guys get too high after a couple of drinks, the rest of the men can at least drag the drunk man out. By hook or by crook. But when girls get into the same problem, guys cannot drag them out the same way. It's too rough. Either the girl get injured (with bruises due to the struggles) or their dress got pulled out of where they should be (yah la... covering the neh neh la).

So guys have to always take extra precaution when getting the wild girls out of the thumping music before they get wilder.

Clubs are also where packs of sex deprived wolves linger. Last night was damn "dangerous". When my groups men to women ratio is damn bad, 1 guy to 3 gals, it makes it tougher for the poor guy to manage.

Last night, MoS was packed with the single, sexually deprived and young NSFs or poly students. While dear, Arina, Liwei and I were on the dancefloor, it took no more than 10min to get us surrounded by them! Their target wasn't me of course, even though my v-neck is very very LOWCUT. Plus, it doesn't help when all my three gals are so hot.


Can take of my right side, cannot save the left side. Busy lar...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

709. it's friday... soon...

Rant of the day: Buurrrrr... Office damn cold... It's a gigantic freezer!

Alright. I'm feeling much better now. At least I can breathe more comfortably even though my nose still blocks occasionally.

Got my hair dyed... Got my hair trimmed... But I always have problem to style my locks properly. Can never get it right.

In a couple of hours, it will be F-R-I-D-A-Y! I'm already in my TGIF mood! Woohoo~~

But I haven't finish my procedure! Shit... I am in deep shit! Must get it done by tomorrow before I make for the 50m dash towards the door at 5pm. Must make sure I'm in stealth mode and no one see me running. Well... that's gonna be tough. Which ass can't see me? Target so big cannot see meh? Cannot see means it's time to make new specs le! Haha.

Dear wanna go clubbing. RnB night and prolly it's gonna be Phuture. I haven't dance real hard for quite a while. Time to rock the dancefloor baby~~

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

708. sick... not wayang...

Rant of the day: Tired... Level 16 doesn't seems high enough to jump.

It's already Wednesday and my flu is still there. Hate it when the nostrils are always blocked up. Have to keep blowing my nose off and it's damn uncomfortable. Plus the cough mixture is super strong. Every dosage makes me feels the World spinning round.

My voice is so coarse that talking is a chore. And yes, my final seminar run will be tomorrow. I will have all the time to "talk". Shit... I've drank so much water but the recovery seems slow. I hate falling ill.

So the next person who calls me wayang because I took MC, I CURSE you get terribly ill and have a happy one time major flu! Wish you ahhh choooo even when you are pissing. Wish you ahhh choooo even when you are dreaming in your lalaland. Wish you ahhh choooo even when you are trying to yawn!

Ok. Enough of my yada yada...

Back in office, as expected, more than 30 cases of queries waiting for me. There was almost 40 cases in fact! Ok, it's stress time! With the other super long procedure (that contain many minor procedures) to write by Friday, I'm not sure how am I going to handle?!?!?! Breathe... Wait, I can't breathe... Nose block... *sniff sniff*

Was looking at my leave balance this year in office earlier. My MC balance is NOT healthy! I'm left with 2 pathetic days till end of the year! Have about 10 days of vacation leave to bring forward after deducting the exams and stuff. Planning of some intermittent break next year and of course, I've got exams next year too.

Still thinking of a good vacation break after dear and my studies. Dear wanna go Japan wor. But can go somewhere not so expensive? Think my gratuity cannot cover lor. Unless we plan for a more budget de laa... =) Have to think less souvenirs and gifts. Cheaper food. Budget hotels.

Are we going alone dear? Just you and me? Or is there gonna be a small crowd? Go Taiwan? Heehee...

Monday, September 08, 2008

707. mc on monday

Rant of the day: Cough cough... Sniff sniff...

There's something about taking MC on a Monday. Yesh! I'm on MC again. It's nothing serious really. Just the usual cough and flu developed from a bad sore throat but to prevent the germs from spreading, took Cheng's advise to see doctor and stay at home.

You see, taking MCs on Monday makes people feel that you are trying to "siam" your Monday work. Some colleagues either see you trying to "geng" at work or trying to lengthen your weekend. But I'm not trying to do either. I've still got tonnes and tonnes of work waiting for me to complete. Just that I'm not in the right condition to work today.

Well, I've actually got my final seminar run today but I'm coughing so badly, and I don't think I can make it through. So I do a swap with 最会大声“奖”. Apparently, he wasn't too keen in the idea but somehow, he don't have a better suggestion. He prolly feels that he is "over-worked" again. Can see his face black black...

So I was thinking, maybe I can cover the helpline in the afternoon to make up for the lost headcount. Then again, the cough doesn't help. So Cheng suggested that I go see doctor and get enough rest so that I can continue better on a Tuesday.

Ya, she's right. I slept throughout the afternoon after taking my medicine. Damn strong. Think about it, how am I going to survive my work tomorrow if the medicine causes drowsiness? Shucks!

Do a simple count of my current assignments:

1) 1 procedure to complete by end of the week (The most headache thing to do!)
2) Last seen 28 query cases to clear... deadline: asap... But due to some reshuffling of case allocation, think it might shoot more than 35 cases by Wednesday!
3) Seminar statistics from SNEF (Still pending and wondering when will they gimme. Email them tomorrow if no reply.)
4) Query database PAR (Still need to meet up with boss to discuss further details.)

Left with 4 days to clear. Die 了 die 了...

Friday, September 05, 2008

706. bbq

Rant of the day: I'm down with flu. Shit...

Thanks Xuan for the BBQ arrangement. It's been good knowing you since our army daze. I'm not putting up our photos cause all were badly taken. Either the angle or the lighting. Whatever...

But gotta say, happy birthday dude!

I've got a list of funny and misleading photos circulated in office and I felt this was the most outstanding.

It's like... obscene... Haha. But I'm sure it caught your eye didn't it? So, care to swallow some "bread"? Or is the bread too huge for your liking? Haha...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

705. backdated events

Rant of the day: Rain... rain... go away. Come again another day.

Okay. Some photos and events recently that I'd not update here. Nothing important but just to share why I'm so engaged for the past week.

After all my leave and rest, the first big event was the more than 500 participants seminar that SNEF and SBF collaborated with us. Holding the session at DBS Auditorium. The size of the place was really pressurizing. I'm serious...

Here I am, doing my stuff for the part 2 of the seminar. First speaker was Hasanah.

Yes, I think I look damn smart with tie. But I hate putting them on. Never fails to make me itch like hell! Come to think about it, the last time I wore a tie was like when I'm still in poly!

Life goes on after the seminar in office. But even busier! Write procedures and procedures. Fuck!

Then early morning Sunday, while most of you peeps were still in lalaland, I'm already up with about 1300 peeps for the IRAS Charity Walk. Start off from Cavenagh Bridge and end off at Revenue House.

The dress code - the red t-shirt. And it's really uncomfortable. Just look at the crowd! It crazy...

Just before starting off. From left: Hui Weng, Weiming, Cheng, me, Joanne, Tianyu.

And back in office after bathing. Gosh! Superstar! *so handsome*

Monday was IRAS day. The company's 60th birthday. Nice. It's much older than mum! The souvenir is a compact mp4 player! 2GB and with expandable slots for SD card. Pack with FM radio and video player. It can view photos too! And yes, there's even an organiser-cum-alarm clock built in. Right...

It's been raining these few days and the change in weather is making me sick AGAIN! Shit...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

704. deep shit

Phrase of the day: "Before you 'eyeball' the entered records, you should..."

I am in DEEP SHIT!!!

HR wanna do a random audit on employees' MC and I'm selected. Guess what? Mum threw away all my MC! Shit laa...

So lost now. What should I do? And I don't keep copies of my MCs. Die.

But somehow, isn't it ridiculous? The company want us to endorse our MCs with our direct superior and then keep ourselves. No submission required unless requested. Then for what request? Stupid right? Wasn't it already endorsed by immediate superior? In one way, the endorsement task was delegated and yet they don't trust the staff who suppose to handle the task.

Rubbish. Crap.

Monday, September 01, 2008

703. 插来插去

Rant of the day: I'm an ridiculously busy. I need to breathe!

This is funny lor! Enjoy your laugh now...




光碟机(DVD player)说:我最惨。每天给人插。



