Monday, September 08, 2008

707. mc on monday

Rant of the day: Cough cough... Sniff sniff...

There's something about taking MC on a Monday. Yesh! I'm on MC again. It's nothing serious really. Just the usual cough and flu developed from a bad sore throat but to prevent the germs from spreading, took Cheng's advise to see doctor and stay at home.

You see, taking MCs on Monday makes people feel that you are trying to "siam" your Monday work. Some colleagues either see you trying to "geng" at work or trying to lengthen your weekend. But I'm not trying to do either. I've still got tonnes and tonnes of work waiting for me to complete. Just that I'm not in the right condition to work today.

Well, I've actually got my final seminar run today but I'm coughing so badly, and I don't think I can make it through. So I do a swap with 最会大声“奖”. Apparently, he wasn't too keen in the idea but somehow, he don't have a better suggestion. He prolly feels that he is "over-worked" again. Can see his face black black...

So I was thinking, maybe I can cover the helpline in the afternoon to make up for the lost headcount. Then again, the cough doesn't help. So Cheng suggested that I go see doctor and get enough rest so that I can continue better on a Tuesday.

Ya, she's right. I slept throughout the afternoon after taking my medicine. Damn strong. Think about it, how am I going to survive my work tomorrow if the medicine causes drowsiness? Shucks!

Do a simple count of my current assignments:

1) 1 procedure to complete by end of the week (The most headache thing to do!)
2) Last seen 28 query cases to clear... deadline: asap... But due to some reshuffling of case allocation, think it might shoot more than 35 cases by Wednesday!
3) Seminar statistics from SNEF (Still pending and wondering when will they gimme. Email them tomorrow if no reply.)
4) Query database PAR (Still need to meet up with boss to discuss further details.)

Left with 4 days to clear. Die 了 die 了...

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