Tuesday, September 23, 2008

719. not your "dear"

Knowledge of the day: Starfish has no brains.

School re-opens. Yippeee... But should I even be excited? All I see in this huge class with those advanced 2 years are challenges. Somehow, I felt that this might be the end of my straight distinctions.

Yes, I'm worried of course! I mean they all came with PR or mass comm background while those peeps like me are novice in such areas. I ain't trusting my abilities at all now.

Anyway, 最佳乱乱“奖”has a new nickname -- starfish. Why? See the above. And can this starfish STOP calling everyone in office "dear"? It is totally mushy and DISGUSTING!!!

Starfish: Eh, sorry ah Eric. Can give me the update on your part now?
Me: (keep quiet and trying to ignore her while preparing my updates via email)
Starfish: Eh. If cannot, I try to ask for another extension.
Me: (still ignoring her and still compiling my part)
Starfish: Can give me by 3pm?
Me: (emailed her with the updates) See your inbox. Just sent to you.
Starfish: Ok. Thanks dear.
Me: ...

For goodness sake! To starfish, I am NOT your "dear"! Only my dear and some closest friends MIGHT call me "dear". And starfish is not considered to be my friend! We are STRICTLY colleagues!!! All about work and nothing else.

Guess what, Cheng also face the same issue! Haha...

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