Friday, September 19, 2008

714. our voices

Rant of the day: Work is piling and school term is starting... Shit...

The fact is we do not have a choice now. Kam Lin is sticking with teaching the class now. She can't even manage a class of 50 odd and now, the class grew to perhaps more than 100.

Having the experience in the field does not equates to having the ability to convey and teach students. You know how to cook hokkien mee very well doesn't means you will be able to teach someone to cook it correctly right?

Of course, the petition invited some different views from the class but I strongly believe as grown ups, we all have a mind of our own to seriously think for ourselves. What is right? What is wrong? The coin is on our own hands and it all depends on which side of the coin did we tossed and landed. In any case, different opinions also set us thinking...

Whatever the outcome maybe, if we don't try, absolutely nothing will happen. Whether favourable or not, it is a risk. Even though the change of lecturer is sort of impossible now, it does mean something to every parties involved.

To the schools, it is time to re-look into the evaluation forms we put up after the modules. The forms we filled up ain't meant for the trash bins. There is a much more importance to the things reflected within. Grievances? Displeasures? Compliment? Areas of improvements? It's not just about the formality for the form to exist. It is a bridge to reach out to the students.

To the lecturer, perhaps it is time to really wake up her idea. Self-reflection is seriously needed. If the lecturer cannot even build and maintain a slightliest rapport with the class, I felt perhaps teaching is seriously not your cup of tea. You don't use students' future as experimentation of your teaching methods. If it works, fine. If it doesn't work, how? The class is not your neighborhood playground mind you. Students pay to study. Students pay for your salary. We don't pay to play. So perhaps it's time to be professional and teach like one.

To the students, it is time to reflect whatever we wrote in the evaluation forms. Was it accurate? Was is enough to represent individual opinions? I mean, all students have a part to play. At least, by filling up the forms diligently, the ball is back to the schools to play. Where the evaluation ain't enough, further actions by the "deemed responsible" class representatives should be taken. At least let the schools have a chance to improve (if they ever read and consider the evaluations of course).

Also, students will need to reflect on themselves, if they had played the equal part to at least do what a student should do. Creating disturbance in class. Late or absent without valid reasons. Submitting serious crap to school as assignments (I meant those SERIOUSLY crappy work done). Have we played our part as students? Yes, we are their paymaster but we are students too. We have 2 roles to play, but play the roles correctly and ethically.

The fire wouldn't start without a spark. There wouldn't be waves if there is no wind. If something happened, it must had started by something else even though it's really minor. But I do believe at least our voices are heard but just that it's too late to do anything to change the fact. The petition will still go to the schools as stipulated to at least show we had done something to voice out, whether through correct channel or not but this is NOT important anymore.

So, to my dearest classmates, it's time to buck up and get yourselves ready for the coming challenge (at least try to endure through Kam Lin's lessons even though I know it's gonna to be really tough). It's time we all unite and study hard. Our grades are all along in our own hands but perhaps some have yet to see it. We will make it through ya!!!

Aside from the school saga, I can't wait for the BBQ tomorrow at dear's place! Woohoo!!! But dear is going through some serious indigestion now. She kept on feeling the urge to puke whatever she ate. Plus, she is having some dizzy spells. Shucks! Damn that bubble tea lar.

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