Monday, September 22, 2008

718. we are going towards extinction

Rant of the day: No food is safe food.

Think one fine day, we will all extinct. Because, we will have nothing to eat!!!

Think about it, we cannot take dairy products because we don't know when will there be melamine added.

We cannot eat seafood because the sea is badly contaminated with toxic waste.

We cannot eat beef because of the notorious mad-cow disease.

We cannot eat chicken and ducks because of the deadly bird flu.

We cannot take vegetables because you don't know if they are genetically modified or over sprayed with deadly pesticides.

We cannot consume lamb because we ain't sure if there might be any "mad-sheep" disease.

We cannot eat pork because you don't know if they are fed with all the above!!!

We will all die of hunger! Guess the last thing to munch on is your buddy lar. Or maybe we can genetically modify ourselves to photosynthesize like the plants. Haha.

But I guess every manufacturer plays an important part with the authorities. Checks checks and more checks. Where is the QC? So, we know probably guess China DON'T care what they manufacture as long as it's cheap and presumably "good". How IRRESPONSIBLE can these money gobblers be?!?!?! Hope they take their own food product and die of liver hardening!!!

Now, that's scary isn't it? How can we ever trust our food source now? You seriously don't know what you are swallowing down your throat.

Look at how many children affected in China. Look at how many products are removed from the shelves. Look at how I throw away my titbits from my office cabinet! I'm not too sure if I might die one day because of these dairy shit.

My family used to take the Monmilk a couple of month back then when mum felt that it taste quite good and the price is pretty much affordable. Every Chinese New Year, my house will be stocked with the Bunny Milk Candy and I'm one of the major consumer. As and when, I'll munch on the Oreo Wafers I bought. I simply love those Meiji popsicles my mum bought. So smooth and delicious. I love the M&M chocolates and enjoy popping them one by one into my mouth.

Now, I'm getting worried about my liver...

Should I die one day because of the dairy saga, don't ever burn me China food products!!! And I'm not even sure if their clothes might cause my skin to get allergies!!!

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