Sunday, September 21, 2008

717. dead skin buffet

Rant of the day: Hate Mondays...

We had heard quite enough of the Spa Fish therapy right? But all we heard was just hearsay and you have to try it out yourself to find out if what was said is true.

As dear has some issue with the dead skin on her feet, I felt that it's time we seek some "professional" help from the fishes. After comparing the different prices in the market, I guess the one at Qian Hu is still the lowest and the information provided on the water UV sterilization is much convincing. I wouldn't want to run a risk of getting more skin diseases after the therapy. So, trust the established.

Woke up early in the morning and made our way to Choa Chu Kang. Damn far but no choice. But heng, the journey wasn't exactly tedious. Got free shuttle bus so not too bad right? At least I don't need to crack my head to find my way.

Qian Hu is huge man! So many cute lil fishes!!! Awwwwwww... Love the ridiculously stupid looking puffer fishes! So cute!!!

Paid $10 for 30min each and towel provided. Exceeding the time cost only a mere 30cents each minute! Cheap right? They got 3 different pools -- the small fish pool, small and medium fish pool and the really LARGE fish pool. I think we better try the first 2 pools first before challenging ourselves with the large ones. When I say large, it is really LARGE! About the size of your standard-sized promfet on your dinner table!

Yippeee... Dead skin buffet!!! The hungry fishes just couldn't stop nibbling on my skin. Damn itchy! And some of the smaller fishes thought my leg hair are worms and tried pulling them out. Ouch! I think dear and I could stop laughing. So embarrassing but we couldn't help it.

Dear tried to let the fishes eat more while I call for a quit because the fishes loved my feet more than dear's. Think maybe I got more dead skin than dear lor! I think I need to frequent here more. But looks like dear got the hang of it after a while. It's not painful. It's not scary. Just beat the itch!

The result: It really works! If we could sit a lil longer, I think more dead skin will be removed! Those thick skin that usually appeared on the back of my feet and on the joints of my toes are more or less thinner and some even gone!!! I'm totally amazed!!! Too bad. I didn't take any before and after photos but I think my words can be trusted.

We originally planned to visit here like once every 2 weeks so that dear can frequently get her dead skin removed to improve her condition. But I think after today's session, I think it's me who need my dead skin removed! Haha...

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