Saturday, September 13, 2008

710. good girl turn wild

Rant of the day: Tired...

Something I have to admit, I am really getting old. Clubbing can "kill" me. Damn tiring and somehow, more damaging than what I can feel back then when I was still a blur blur poly student.

I use to dance till the lights turned on, till the music turned mellowed. But yesterday night was totally tiring. Yes, my back aches like hell now. Oh ya... and my neck too.

Oooowwww... I need a good massage...

Something I'm really afraid of when I'm clubbing -- when good girls turn WILD! And when I say wild, it is really WILD... Too high on alcohol. Heng... it's not dear. Haha.

When guys get too high after a couple of drinks, the rest of the men can at least drag the drunk man out. By hook or by crook. But when girls get into the same problem, guys cannot drag them out the same way. It's too rough. Either the girl get injured (with bruises due to the struggles) or their dress got pulled out of where they should be (yah la... covering the neh neh la).

So guys have to always take extra precaution when getting the wild girls out of the thumping music before they get wilder.

Clubs are also where packs of sex deprived wolves linger. Last night was damn "dangerous". When my groups men to women ratio is damn bad, 1 guy to 3 gals, it makes it tougher for the poor guy to manage.

Last night, MoS was packed with the single, sexually deprived and young NSFs or poly students. While dear, Arina, Liwei and I were on the dancefloor, it took no more than 10min to get us surrounded by them! Their target wasn't me of course, even though my v-neck is very very LOWCUT. Plus, it doesn't help when all my three gals are so hot.


Can take of my right side, cannot save the left side. Busy lar...

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