Tuesday, September 16, 2008

712. i don't wanna grow up

Rant of the day: I'm getting fat! Shit!

While PCD seems eager to grow up, I kinda wish I don't grow up so fast. Not say stay childish but rather to stay young, vibrant and active. Getting older means more responsibilities. Getting older means more work and less time. Getting older means ne step closer to your grave lar.

So maybe PCD wish to get closer to their grave. Haha. Enjoy the boobies MTV. Their chest popping technique no joke. Damn good. Maybe because their boobs are good lar. Hahaha.

Anyway, think I'm getting much better from the idiotic flu bug. But not fully recovered though. Tried running 4km yesterday and I was so out of breath. My lungs sort of have insufficient capacity to hold the oxygen that I'm trying to breathe in. For a moment, I thought that I might simply die due to suffocation.

Serious... I really cannot breathe after the run. And that's scary!!!

Time to sleep. Tata.


SoPPy~! said...

I swear when i first heard the song I head When I grow up I wanna have boobies.

Rice said...

u heard correctly soppy!!! haha... when u grow up, u can hav boobies!!! woohoo!!!

SoPPy~! said...

The lyrics lah -.-

Rice said...

ya laa.. it is their lyrics!!! u can hav boobies!!! woohoo!!!