Thursday, November 29, 2007

575. 意想不到

Rant of the day: 讨厌失声的感觉。很有挫折感……



就算你是典型的外向(extreme extrovert)又怎么样?就算你是天生的过渡直率又怎么样?这并不代表你有权利影响班上的学习经度。这并不代表你有权利干扰别的同学。玩闹归玩闹、吵闹归吵闹。是两码事。不是说不能在学校嘻嘻哈哈,而是要在对的场合作对的行为。

可能也因为我失声了,而觉得这种幼稚的行为无法接受。他玩闹得越大声,我发音就得越用力。是吃奶的力勒!很佩服讲师的忍耐力。是我的话,老早就show him the door了。



但是这种图案绝对不是semiotics的代表作!图案中的意思一目了然,而且这种“东西”叫艺术作品,并且在大庭广众展现。不知道儿童看了会有什么反应呢?为什么男人会牵男人的手?为什么女人有小鸡鸡呢?什么是bangbus?谁是Annabel Chong?相信为人父母都会被问傻了。是我也不知道要如何解释该自己的孩子。

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

574. 又生病了

Quote of the day: Thank you shhh-shers...


也就因为发音不清楚,而在工作时接电话就尽量减少长句子。这样的防范措施竟然变成听起来“不耐烦”!乐龄人士(senior citizen)就了不起吗?在知道是带病上班的职员后还在设法帮你,不但不感激,竟然还冷嘲热讽。真的是莫名其妙!

新的科目其实是蛮好玩的,但是周遭的同学干扰指数太高,真的很难专心。看得出讲师开始感到无奈了。班级真的有一点失控了。我们真的因该庆幸这位讲师的忍耐力还蛮高的,要不然老早就公然请那些爱干扰别人的同学“滚”出讲堂了。还记得在理工学院时,确实发生过类似的事件。有一名讲师在上课时突然中断。手指指向一名同学,便很严厉的说“If you are not interested in the lesson, GET OUT!”。这举动让大家都看傻了眼,震撼指数100%!希望不会在大学还碰到类似的情景。毕竟大家都不是小孩子了……很丢脸嘞!


很迟了。该就寝了。Good night……

Sunday, November 25, 2007

573. commercial

Rant of the day: I'm getting fat.

Something for the readers. A sparkling water commercial aired on UK's national TV. Not suitable for the young. "Sexually explicit" content.

What a warm day today. Even the night is not spared from the heat and humidity. It's odd for the coming cold and wet season. I'd bathe just 2 hours back and I'm sticky again.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

572. 很“黑”的天

Rant of the day: 今天我的真心笑容不见了……

今天很“黑”。心情差透了。七早八早就莫名其妙的被Original Soundtrack大声嚷嚷。

“Next time you tell Isaac don't shout at me!”
“You didn't hear meh yesterday?”
“Hmmmmm... No. I've got my work to do and not listen to other people's conversation.”
Tell him don't be so rude! Tell him don't scold me! It's so rude ok. Email archive is not I order him to do ok. Is YC ok.”

搞到好像是我的事……有什么事为什么不能好好的面对面说清楚呢?活了这把年纪,还搞不好人际关系。一只手是不能鼓掌的,要两只手才能鼓掌。Isaac为什么会语气重了些,自己是否有想过是不是也在沟通上出现了问题?Double degree的人不需要我教这种东西吧?


第二颗下个礼拜一就即将开始。因为是intensive module的缘故,那种对未来的未知感的压力真的很大。很害怕会应付不来。很害怕会影响工作。很害怕会拖累学业。种种的压力快让我崩溃。要冷静。要努力。要加油。说的容易……


Thursday, November 22, 2007

571. brink of breaking down

Rant of the day: Define fairness. Nothing on Earth is fair.

Before the clock strikes 12, decided to blog down some stuff. Can you believe that there's road works just on the road in front of my block RIGHT NOW! Look at the time!

I feel so lost at work. Imagine that you have to follow up on system testing from someone who's on leave for 3 weeks. The reading up of the hand-over documents can literally kill you. The information are so difficult to grasp and it's already too late to start all over again. The more I try to understand the documents, the more I felt lost.

I'm so stressed that there's acne outbreak on my face and body. I'm so stressed that I can't sleep soundly at night. I've tried so hard to persuade myself to accept the branch procedures and management style but right now, I feel like giving up everything and leave. I'm not the kind of person that gives up easily and do my best in everything I do but right now, my mind is at the brink of breaking down...

Tomorrow is my big day I guess. Get prepared to be shoot to death. It's my work review report day or most might call it the confirmation appraisal. Isaac just had his today and it took a full one and a half hour! From what he said, it sounds bad. My turn tomorrow. What ever it is, I'm preparing to look for a better job once 13 month bonus is in... But where should I go?

570. worms in chocolate

Rant of the day: Fly me to the moon...

It's just another lousy day at work. I haven't had such a demoralised feeling for very long. May the end of the year comes quick.

Anyway, some excitement happened at work today. My previous team lead had left a couple boxes of chocolates for the team before she leaves for her maternity leave. Chocolates have always been one of my favourite food as it keeps my mood on a calmer side. Since I'm really down this few weeks, I'd decided to munch on just a lil to perk myself up. To my horror, I saw this after I'd unwrapped a piece of the mint chocolate.

Two worms actually dropped of from the chocolate and landed on the wrapper! Yucks! To think that many of us had actually took quite a number of pieces, leaving just two pieces in the box! Gross...

An closer look at the worms and they are KICKING and ALIVE! So, I peered into the box and found the last piece. I unwrapped it and also, there's another worm manifesting on it! Eeewwww...

The chocolates has not expired but there's actually worms in it. I didn't place it at anywhere damp, moist or warm. In fact, my office is a HUGE fridge! I'd blurred the distributor's name and address. So if you are interested to know what brand of chocolate, PM me at my MSN or email me. Just a clue -- it's mint chocolate and can be bought from most supermarts.

Ok, enough of those awful stuff...

Isaac is back in office for 2 days and will be going for his ICT from next week. Mine is the week after next. Can't wait to pause work. Sick of it.

Went lunch with him as usual. Gosh, the laska at Take 5 is good! The gravy is pretty thick and it's pretty tasty. You should give it a try. Their beef and chicken stew are pretty nice too. But take with moderation. Ain't healthy food...

Dear's 2 days MC is over and will be back at work. But her cough is still not recovering and the nose block is still persistent. Get well soon my dear. *hugs* Must drink alot of water and rest early. Remember to take medicine too! Especially the antibiotics...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

569. disgusted acts

Quote of the day: 去哪里并不重要。重要的是跟谁在一起和在一起的过程。就算是漫无目的的走着,也很浪漫和温馨。

If there is one word to describe many toilet users on Earth, it will be DISGUSTING. I'm not sure how many times had I seen men not washing their hands after peeing. It is totally gross and unhygienic.

Besides that, bits and pieces of drenched toilet papers everywhere. Since where did it "snowed" in toilets? So it get even disgusting when many users knowingly or unknowingly stepped on those "snow" and makes the floor with tattered and torn papers.

What about extremely smelly toilets with pooped that was left unflushed? Seen it somewhere? It's almost everywhere in most of the MRTs' and coffee shops' toilets! Can't they just flush their businesses away? I seriously don't need to know what's left undigested from their previous meals.

And if you think those above are disgusting, you'll puke after reading the following... *beware*

I was doing my usual peeing at AMK Hub earlier before dinner in one of the cubicles. I'm more of a cubicle person. Don't really like to display my weapon to the public. Anyway, as I was peeing halfway, I realised there's some water flowing in from the next cubicle. Thinking that it might be those water over-flowing after washing for our Muslim counterparts, I ignored and continued from where I'd stopped. Then I realised that the liquid seems yellowish and has a strong urine stench! FUCK! It's urine! The puddle just kept on flowing in, which means, the person wasn't peeing into the toilet bowl but ON THE FLOOR!!! I quickly get my business done and get the hell out of the toilet.

How on Earth did the person pee in a cubicle? If that person is having problem peeing ACCURATELY into the toilet bowls, my advise is to use the damn urinals outside the cubicles! Those urinals are there for a reason...

Puking already? What I've written is not fictitious but I seriously don't know what the hell the guy (I suppose... it's male toilet) in that cubicle was doing.

I suppose it's every individuals responsibilities to ensure that they do not overly dirtied the public toilets. I'm sure you don't dirty your home toilets right? It's impossible to keep public toilets clean always but at least minimally not pollute it. Everyone has to share the utilities and don't be selfish to dirty it.

What's your views? If your views are long, please DON'T tag on the tagboard! Use the "comments" function instead.

Dear is down with pretty serious flu and has 2 days of MC. Hope that it's good enough to recover. The weather is getting cold and many are falling sick due to the sudden change in temperature. Must drink more water and rest more my dear...

I almost printed out my resignation letter this afternoon. Haiz... Endure...

Monday, November 19, 2007

568. klunch

Rant of the day: I can't handle my workload now...

I dread going to office everyday. I simply DISLIKE with a CAPITAL 'D' of what I'm doing now. Just an MC from me makes the office "shake". How pathetic is that...

Went to K-Lunch with dear, Benjamin and Nat on Sunday. It's been quite a while since I've last went KTV. It's pretty fun actually. Call me "本土天王" (local king) now! Muahahaha...

The K-Lunch menu had seriously went through some major changes. From the rock hard lamb steak to the rubber-band bee hoon to now, the pretty well done Japanese fare. The Japanese curry chicken was quite well done. And there's crab meat salad! Cool right?

Dear isn't feeling so well actually and she still don't want to take medicine. Haiz... Please take care of yourself ok... Must drink more water. See, you look so pale in the photo. *heart pain*

Benjamin and Nat enjoying their long list of English songs. It's one of the rare times where you can see Benjamin smile for the camera! Quick, go buy 4D and ToTo.

Shan't go on. It's quite late now. It's hell week for me. Heck!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

567. submission

Joke of the day: SEX = Suck... Enter... eXplode...

It's such a joy... Besides my camera, my mp3 player is ok too! After a scary water-soaked encounter, I swear that I'll never buy water bottles from Mini Toons again! Oh yes, please treat the joke above as a joke. Not that I've tested it ok... Don't think too much.

Dear's department event at Zouk was quite a surprise. Their doorgift is cool! It's a 1GB Samsung mp3 player. It cost about $99 at Best Denki. What an expensive doorgift! That's the thing about working in a private and profitable company, you get good gifts and rewards. Can't have such benefits if you're working in a gahmen sector, it's tax-payers money and we can't spend lavishly.

We've finally submitted our project. A load off our mind... All the effort and time spent has finally come to an end. At least for now till the next module starts. Really need to give special thanks to Royston and Benjamin for all the effort they'd put in. You guys are terrific. Initiative and spontaneous. And of course our lecturer, Mr. Ravi, for all the guidance provided. And not forgetting my dear for her support in all possible ways. And how can I forget about this important person -- MYSELF! Have to thank my body for not breaking down after all those long hours of work. Spent hours to work on those documents. Sacrifice lunch breaks and sleep to work on those designs. Alas... it's temporary over...

Just back date a lil. Had lunch at Ikea with mum while we sent our Lumix FX30 for servicing. Their food is fantastic. Love their meatballs and chicken wings! The fish and chips still has lotsa room for improvement. Mum simply love the food!

Saw this interesting message. Isn't it interesting? It's nice to have such messages around but sometimes it's sad that we need such messages to remind ourselves the importance of having a civic mind.

Anyway, it's time to sleep! Look at the time now... Night peps!

Friday, November 16, 2007

566. 对的歌手

Joy of the day: My Lumix FX30 is perfectly fine! Yippeee...











565. after exam, letting out

Rant of the day: There's something wrong with my PC.

I seriously HATE my job. I absolutely find no passion in it and I'm still hanging on because I needed the money to sustain my studies. Was already expected alot of work to be thrown at once I'm back at work but didn't realise that it's SO F**KING many arrows!

Anyway, it's not my plan to stay here forever.

Exam is finally over. The project is also considered completed and awaits submission on coming Saturday. The exam hall was freezing cold. Even with my jacket on, I'm still feeling the chill. I've not stepped into an exam hall for ages and it definitely brings back memories. Might not be good one though. Haha.

It happens to be Natalie's pre-birthday celebration. So some of us actually gathered to Marina Square for lunch. I seriously don't like most of the ice-cream taste at Yuki Yaki but since it's hard work of making it by Natalie and Sharon, we shall all finish them up. Food was ok though but somehow, it felt like Seoul Garden.

After eating, it's camera-whoring time and of course group photos.

The girls... well, not exactly. There's "something" at the back.

And the charming guys (because I'm in the photo). Without a doubt, the class has more girls than guys.

Besides the exam, I've also donated my blood after 5 long years. Not exactly painful but it's quite tiring after losing 450ml of fresh blood. Not alot actually. And of course, it takes alot of courage to let the nurse pokes the yakult-straw-sized needle into your vein. I've got to say it's very scary for first timers but once you've been through it, it's really quite nothing.

Believe it, there's quite a number of girls donating blood and there's actually guys who'd chickened out at the very last minute. Whimp...

But I really like their new rubber bandage. It comes in many colours and it's quite lasting. Unlike those plasters, it doesn't comes off easily! And it has cute prints. Mine was the dinosaurs. Cute right?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

564. mumbai da... india...

Rant of the day: Tomorrow is the showdown!

This is one of my favourite commercials. It is so freaking funny!

Here comes the Stardust trailer mentioned in my previous post. Watch it! I'll give 4 out of 5. I'm serious. It's remarkable...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

563. study and stardust

Rant of the day: Study... study... study...

Exams is just around the corner and everyone (well... everyone I assume...) is studying hard. I'm sure everyone is aiming for a distinction for the first module. Good start I suppose. Met up for a couple of days with some of the closer classmates but sometimes, I felt studying in groups might not necessary be a good idea. Advantage is that we can all share our knowledge on our stronger topics (provided that all are willing to share). Disadvantage is that we will sure to deviate from studying and usually end up chit-chatting instead (so typical).

I've skimmed through the chapters and roughly remembers the more important points but hasn't really start the memorising portion. But will memorising work? It's no longer those secondary school days where we just need to memorise word for word and you'll sure get a distinction. It's not like poly days where memory work can get you quite far ahead. Situation isn't the same now. We need explanations with examples but these ain't really covered much in the notes. Stress...

But I'm sure we will all get through it.

Anyway, watch "Stardust". From the previews, you'll prolly thinks that it's another mythical and magical movie. You'll prolly be expecting exaggerated graphics and animations. No doubt, it is ANOTHER fantasy, mythical and magical movie with lotsa exaggerated graphics and animations. BUT, it has an element which is seldom found in such typical movies -- romance.

Compare it with movies like Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Pan's Labyrinth. Where's the romance element? Don't tell me the "puppy love" thingy in Harry Potter's movies is romance. I'll slap you...

Besides the romance element, Stardust also have the comedy element in it. In many scenes, it actually brought many movie-goers to laughter. The plot creatively used seven spirits as clowns to enhance the comedy element.

And did I missed out the actors and actresses? They are fantastic! Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro are so good! Michelle Pfeiffer is really so sexy for her age! Not forgetting the super sweet Claire Danes as Yvaine, the fallen star. And for the gals, do watch out for Charlie Cox as Tristan. I'm sure you'll drool...

Well, it's late now. Time to rest. Nitez peps!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

562. out-of-office

Quote of the day: To run the country well, you'll need to have three things. Firstly, a strong army. Secondly, enough food for everyone. Thirdly, citizens' trust for the country.

-- Confucius

Exam is just around the corner and I'd barely started much. Will go on full time studying starting from tomorrow till Sunday. Hope that I'll do just as fine and pass with flying colours. Hope that I can get my first distinction.

I wouldn't be returning to office till next Thursday! So happy. Finally got a chance to put "Out-of-Office" message in my office email! Tomorrow is my off-in-lieu for Hari Raya Puasa. Thursday is Deepavali. I'm on leave on Friday and Monday. Will be on course on Tuesday and Wednesday. Nice...

Just came home not too long ago from Xuan's grandmother's wake. Hope he's doing fine and I'm sure he will. He's a strong lad. He's also going over to the States next year for an exchange programme. So good right? I don't even get such chances. At he's age, he had travelled places where I've never thought I'll have such opportunities. Pretty tied down badly by work, money and studies. The furthest I've went was Taiwan and that was before my enlistment because I have TIME! And of course, the other time was with Army.

Just something to share -- Don't commit any crime, at least not those that will get you rotan. See this and you'll know what I meant. Ouch!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

561. power house

Question of the day: Where did the famous chili crab originated from?

St. James is not call the power house for nothing. It's HUGE! It's my first time there actually and seldom hear any stuff from others. If it's not for Fiona's birthday celebration, I'll prooly never step in there. Though it's not my cup of tea but I'm really really impressed with the creators. Incorporating the old days of clubbing (where we all sit and enjoy the show of singing and dancing) with the current way (where we all rush to the dance floor and dance like there's no tomorrow).

There's like 45min of performance and then 45min of rest time where the DJ will start doing his thing and the party-goers will start to "yo-ah-yo" at their tables. And the cycle will repeat. Interesting right? The entire St. James is divided into many many rooms, similar to MoS. Besides the KTV pub area above Dragonfly (one of the room), the rest of the rooms all comes with stage performances. Dragonfly is more of the Cantopop thing. Performaces are mainly in Cantonese and Chinese with occasional English songs. If you want English performaces, I'll recommend the RnB and retro rooms.

Pre-party cam-whoring. Don't waste the time and chance. Since we're all dressed up, might as well snap some pictures!

How can we not take a picture with the birthday girl! The girls are all in their make-ups like blooming flowers. And coincidentally, dear and Fiona put up their green eye shadow. Guess what, I'd actually helped dear with her eye shadow! Heehee... Not bad right? Mixture of green and blue!

Performace by Yutaki. Happens to be one of the instructors at Studio Wu but I'd never seen him before previously because I'd never attended his classes. Apparently, he's also Fiona's idol friend! She cannot stop talking about him and her eyes were always glued to all his performances.

I seriously don't know who is she but her performances (mainly Chinese oldies) are damn good! The techniques she used for the oldies are really remarkable.

The rest of performances are good also but didn't snap the pictures due to poor lighting. The photos all turned out either dark or blurred. So if you wanna know and feel the power of the power house, do make a trip down yourself! But perhaps just note also the average age of the customers are slightly older. Even I felt young there! Haha...

560. family day

Rant of the day: I'm such a scatter-brain!!!

We were quite fortunate that adverse weather did not occur during Family Day. It will be bad if rain starts falling down and everyone is trap in Zoo.

I'm such a scatter-brain. I'd actually left the tickets at home when I'd reached Zoo. Worse thing is Isaac's ticket was with me and I left it at home too! Shit! So, took a cab home just to grab the tickets and back to Zoo, which cost me $20. Ouch!

Door gift was really good -- a set of portable utensils that consist of fork, spoon and knife. Neat! But it's really sad that only staff was entitled to the door gift. Non-staff wasn't given. What the? Food was pretty bad I suppose. We pre-ordered KFC Zinger meal but was damn disappointed when it wasn't a complete set. There's no coleslaw and the burger does not have vegetables.

Didn't win anything home from the lucky draw. The draw was conducted intermittently throughout the programme and after waiting for sometime, dear and I decided to go for our exploration instead. It's quite a waste of time to just sit there on the uncomfortable chair and watch the shows prepared and designed for the kids.

It's my first time watching lions in their pack. The lion's roar is quite amazing. But unfortunately, the roar wasn't captured clearly in the video. And they didn't fight. No actions either...