Sunday, January 10, 2010

1022. recap taipei day 4

Rant of the day: I can feel the sore throat coming. Downing water now...
Was telling dear how crap it is on the email I'd received pertaining to CNY period leave application... And seriously, I think it is very insensitive and inconsiderate for the non-Chinese to apply leave on the CNY period. Afterall, the Chinese did not apply leave on Hari Raya nor Deepavali even if it is a long weekend.


Anyway, back to the Taipei trip. Day 4 was to resume our original plan and also, one of the must do objective in Taipei -- HOTSPRING!!! Skipped the plan on day 3 because we woke up too late and also dear just hurt her foot. Don't want any hot water to aggrevate her pain.

We booked the private room so that we don't need to see other peeps openly in the public... naked... Room ain't big but cosy enough to rest. Here's the area to let the hotspring water flows in. Temperature of the hotspring at about 40 degree celsius.

And this is the shower area. The challenge to the entire hotspring thingy was to first get into the hotspring when the weather is damn bloody cold and then, go for the shower after the entire body gets hot. *shivers*

Totally refreshing after the hotspring. The soak almost removed all the pain and aches we had after all the walking. Guaranteed to let you have a good night sleep...

After the hotspring, decided to head back to 淡水 (see previous post) for lunch. We wanted to have BBQ at Kanpai (highly recommended by many peeps and books) but apparently, they had some stupid opening hours only during designated meal time. Crap... So we headed back to the street for more street food that we didn't had on the previous day. We really love the corn. They sorta dipped the corn to some floor and fried it. And then sprinkled those flavouring on them. Totally delicious...

After lunch, headed for 五分铺 (Wu Fen Pu), their goods/business district. This is where you can find all the fashion clothings (latest fashion wear) at distribution price. Damn cheap lah!!! But because they are distributors' warehouse area, they do not have fitting room. So, the only thing you can try on are the jackets and outers. Not advisable to buy bottoms here. Never rely on the neck size test. It's not accurate...

We were quite suay lah... It was raining when we were here and it's quite crowded as well. So, very hard to walk, see, touch and buy... After 2 hours, we only covered about 50% of the area. With a growling stomach, it really didn't make things better. And also, our shopping bag was already full!!! That goes to show how many things you can buy here lah...

To "re-fuel", we settled for dinner at this famous 卤肉贩 store just opposite 五分铺. It's the famous 胡须张卤肉贩!!! So we each order a 卤肉贩 and some pork loin, vegetables and soup. Totally delicious. I wanna eat this again!!!

Think this was the day where all our luggages and carriers started to overload... Hahaha... We really bought alot of clothes here. =P

That's all for day 4. Time for me to hit the bed...  Night peeps...

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