Tuesday, May 03, 2011

1143. most right answer

Thought of the day: NSP = Nicole Seah Party? Haha...
I'm not usually a politics person on my normal days but this General Election (GE) is getting me all filled up with information. The ruling party. The opposition parties. Information spilling in all possible media platforms. Twitter. Facebook. Youtube. And of course the traditional media.

I can even gain access to these GE stuff even when I'm lying on my bed in Bintan!

Heh... Life of a crazy Singaporean.

But if you are asking me which party am I voting for? Honestly, I vote for the party that can propose for the best policy for my area and for the country in the next 5 years. And do note that the policies and plans need to be achievable. With that, it means I'm not incline to any specific party.

I wasn't like this previously. I used to be a pro-PAP voter. Yes... Used to be one but now no longer. A free-thinker perhaps. I guess it all boils down to the fact that the current gahmen is not making life any easier for the peeps on the streets like me. And many are getting delusional to who should we vote. Top pressing issue on our list -- affordable housing. In what way do you think a new 5-room BTO in Punggol fetching now up to $450k affordable??? That's $50k to half a million!!! And let me remind you that these HDB flats are not exactly ours. It's on 99 years lease. Eventually, it's going back to the gahmen.

It's easy for the peeps in gahmen to comment that we should buy based on our means. We need to loan and pay on installments for maybe up to 30 years while for them, probably half a year's salary. For us, asking for a 5-room new flat isn't a luxury, keeping your "estimated completion in 5 years" in mind. Because by then, newly-wed couples probably have children (most 1 but some may already have 2) and a 4-room is probably not big enough to house everyone comfortably.

So am I considered buying within my means? In the short-term... No. But planning in advance... Yes. The gahmen need to plan the country's future in advance and so do the people. But with this increase in housing prices, we can foresee our people in the future not able to lease a flat from HDB. Perhaps in 5 years down the road, a 5-room may fetch up to $1million... Scary eh...

Not missing out on other stuff, GST is another thing that the people faces. 7% is honestly not alot... Well, to the well-to-do people of course. But it is a hell lot of burden to the middle and low-income people. Buy this, 7%. Buy that, 7%. Eat, 7%. Shop, 7%. Now, everytime I pay at the cashier, I really do look at the 7% surcharge. And when we add these 7% together, it's ALOT of money!!! At least it is for me...

Of course, a country cannot function without taxation but would it be better if we can reduce this GST to perhaps 5%? At least the people will feel lighter on their backs with this. Merely giving out money to the people to "relive" the rising cost does not really solve the issue. And don't forget, those are OUR money in the first place. It's our tax... And the cheating part is, giving out these "packages" just before the GE is a subtle way of "buying" votes. I'm really not buying the idea. Don't say it's coincidence. If it is, then why am I not striking the lottery?

To the younger voters, information now are readily available everywhere and honestly speaking, the new media ain't doing the ruling party any good. Lotsa flaming we see online everyday against them. And of course, alot of insensitive comments from the ruling party are also seen or heard online. On taxation. On upgrading. On regrets in life. On Kate Spade. On threatening the people if we vote for the oppositions.

I guess, the ruling party needs to be more careful with what they say and don't take the current achievement for granted. The party achieved because your people allows that. So please jolly well treats everyone of equal stands. No people should be getting preferential when it comes to upgrading plans. Be it the people vote for the ruling party or the oppositions, all should get the same treatment. Because we all pay the same tax. We all pay money to the gahmen to run the country and to freaking increase the ministers' and president's salary! And since we are all paying you, I think it's only logical you serve all without bias. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I'm still open to hear more views from the parties in my GRC and should be casting the vote to the party with the "most right answers" to my next 5 years.

Cast your votes wisely people...

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