Sunday, June 27, 2010

1084. home cook food

Rant of the day: 有时候可能是爱的方式错了……
How to break away from a mundane weekend? So dear and I came up with a brilliant and different way of spending a Saturday -- by doing home cook food!!! And we managed to rope in Arina to help out as well. It's always good to have another helper when one of the cook have absolutely no idea how to cook (that's me)... At least the ladies will have knowledge of what's a foil (and I keep thinking it's referring to aluminium foil) and what it does. Haha...

Dear is busy doing up the Jajangmeon (炸酱面). A Korean noodles with many many vegetables and small chunks of pork with the black bean paste.

While Arina and I tried cracking our brains with the absolutely NO-BAKE peanut butter dessert!!! Isn't this perfect for a total beginner like me?

I can't say much for the Jajangmeon 'cause I ain't helping out with that but dear seems to manage it under her control. As for the dessert, it comes with 4 packets of ingredients in the box. A packet of Oreo crisps. A packet of don't-know-what powder. A packet of peanut butter. And a packet of chocolate sauce.

Basically, we only need to buy extra milk and butter to complete the preparation. Simply follow the instructions. The packets are even numbered to make things simpler for us!!! Woohoo~~~ So here's me preparing the Oreo crisps base with packet 1 and 4 tablespoon of butter.

While Arina get things mixed at the... what do you call this machine again? Mixer mah? Anyway, inside are contents from packet 2 (the don't-know-what powder), milk and packet 3 (that's the sinful peanut butter).

So once I'd got the base mixed and evenly pressed into the foil, it's time to put the mix onto it.

Arina here doing the even spread of the mix.

And a perfect (almost perfect) finishing touch with the final packet of chocolate sauce.

Refrigerate it for at least an hour, but I personally encourage you to leave it overnight. And once it's done, slice it up to serve cold! Tada~~~

Seriously, it's GOOD!!! At least for a first timer like me, I feel totally accomplished. Hahahaha... And here come dear's Jajangmeon!!! Just look at the generous spread of sauce and vegetables. Yummy!!!

Have to be honest, the potato ain't very cook but the taste wise, well done! That's why it is important to have a girlfriend who knows how to cook. My dear can really cook well and I totally appreciate her talent. Don't you think I'm a lucky man? Lalalalalala....

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