Thursday, August 12, 2010

1093. i'm back

Rant of the day: The medical centre in my camp damn fark up... Seriously...
I've been back in Singapore for a few days already after the Hong Kong trip but had been procrastinating on blogging the stuff. Quite a number of photos taken and pretty lazy to put them up on this post. If you have my Facebook account, do get it there instead.

Probably put up my favourite photo from the trip. It's my first time to a Disneyland!!! Lovin' the back drop.

Just a few things from this trip:

1. Wrong timing. It's the China and Hong Kong summer vacation. So there are lots and lots of visitors to many of the places we are visiting. And not that I'm being racist or what... I have nothing against the mainland peeps but they are seriously rowdy and rude. Bad bad experiences with them when we were at Disneyland.

2. Since it's summer vacation period, meaning, it's summer time! Blardy hot, humid and the sun was scorching!!! The moment we stepped out of the hotel, I'll start to sweat!!! Dear and I were almost cooked to perfection. I prefer medium rare leh...

3. Hong Kong has got pretty bad air quality. Fog... Fog... And more fog... It's like the foggy period in Singapore when Indonesia is burning up! But the thing is, in Hong Kong, it's on a daily basis (at least for the past 4 days when we were there). Luckily dear and I ain't asthmatic.

4. It's a pretty expensive place to go. By day 2, we had exhausted and even over-spent our planned expenses for the 1st and 2nd day!!! And we didn't even visit any high class restaurants lor!!!

5. Their buildings in Hong Kong are seriously old. I felt like I'm visiting Singapore in the 60s. Gawd...

6. Their dim sum is good. And there's this particular dim sum house (一点心) that serves extremely good dim sum at affordable prices! Must try their har gao (虾饺). Damn nice lah!!! Go google it if you wanna find out more about this place.

7. Hit up Granville Road if you are looking for slightly more affordable (as compared to their shopping malls) trendy clothes and accessories.

8. We found Food Republic food court at the Citygate Mall!!! The same food court we have at Vivocity. But their food is more localised. Like what we learnt in class, glocalisation...

9. Their Wife Biscuit (老婆饼) is heavenly!!! Get those from Wing Hwa!!! They have an outlet in Hong Kong International Airport. So it's easy for you when departing the airport for home. Grab and go.

Will I go back to Hong Kong? Hmmmmmmm... Lemme think about it. I didn't enjoy as much as I was when I went Taiwan. Thinking of somewhere not so expensive for my next trip. I still haven't got the chance to visit Myanmar and Vietnam but I got a strong feeling that dear wouldn't wanna go to these places. What about a long Star Cruise trip? I haven't board the large vessel too!

Anyway, a cool Indian rendition of the Shakira's Waka Waka.

Though I don't understand anything but honestly, not bad... Anyone got the song?

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