Sunday, January 09, 2011

1127. resolutions

Rant of the day: I need to finish that song!!!
Was browsing through the photos in my iPhone earlier and I saw this!!!

I took a screenshot of my iPhone Twitter when I was pretty high that day!!! Someone actually tweeted and I'm so glad it really happened. To the tweeter yoyocheong, yes, I'm the sweet guy and I hope you have your sweet guy too. Cheers.

Anyway, I haven't made my 2011 new year resolution but I'm really not sure what to list. Prolly to make sure I exercise more and to complete a half marathon this year! Up next will be the Adidas Sundown 10km in May.

So a list I shall...

1) Complete a half marathon.
2) A new job/position perhaps.
3) Save more money and less spending, especially on my credit cards.
4) Confirm on the hotel for wedding banquet.
5) Loss weight and hopefully at least 5kg.
6) Do up a few short trips to perhaps KL, Genting or Bintan since long trips are not really possible this year.
7) Don't fall sick that often please. I hate flu!!!
8) Exercise more. No more excuses since I really need to do (1) and (5).
9) Eat less!! Everytime I look into the mirror, I think I look like a PIG!!! A fat one... I don't wanna look like... *ahem*

I really hope some of the above can be done. It's 2011 and time to chiong ah!!!

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