Sunday, April 19, 2009

864. i'm broke

Rant of the day: Sian... It's going to bed on Sunday but I can't wait for Friday...

I'm broke. Think I need to start on the "air" diet from now on. And it doesn't help when the outstanding school fees is still lying on my desk. Fark...

Why am I broke? Spent more than $150 today!!! That's totally crazy man!!! But maybe at the sametime to release stress bah...

My whole day was packed with stuff to do. Woke up and changed the sofa covers all by myself! Usually it's a 2-man job to change it but I did it alone!!! And then swept floor. Deric is sort of shedding now and there's lots and lots of fur ball all over the house.

After all the household chores, went straight to dear's place to send Boy Boy to the vet for follow up but by the time I reached dear's place, the vet is closed for lunch. So, spent the rest of the day with dear.

After lunch, it's Boy Boy's excursion to the vet and then, car cleaning time to remove all the Boy Boy's saliva and fur. By the time we are done with all the cleaning, I'm already sweaty and hungry... And then, remembered dear wanna go Uniqlo at Tampines One 'cause it's their last day of the opening sale.

Rushed home to bathe and change up and off we go. But it's dinner first. Can't do anything much without energy right?

Dinner at Cafe Cartel. We gotta try the honey ribs.

Some buys today...

A book! Eric reads!!! Can you believe it... Haha. It's another fiction on vampires. Not another one!!! I bought it because I like the book cover design. Haha... Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast @ $13.85 from Popular.

Dear saw this really cheap top from Cotton On. $5 only! Ok lar. Quality sucks but hey, it's only $5... What do you expect? A Polo Ralph?

Stuff we bought from Uniqlo. My first pair of slim cut jeans @ $49.90.

A stripped-purple polo @ $29.90. The last piece for this design (minus the display piece)!!!

Oh I love this one. A black V-neck tee with cute embroiled pictures!!! Oh... Love this game. Munch munch munch... Uniqlo Tee (UT) @ $19.90.

Gawd... So broke le lah...

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