Sunday, February 21, 2010

1038. pre-monday blues

Rant of the day: I didn't know there's a school in Singapore named "Chestnut"... Odd...
I hate to think about this but....... MONDAY is coming and it means I'm back for work after my 1 week break. Totally sianzation... Pre-Monday blues setting in...

Dear is away to Korea. Makes me even "blue-er" than ever. But also good that when I'm back for work tomorrow, I can concentrate more on my stuff. 'Cause it's my teams' busiest period this few months. So sad right? After my holiday is work non-stop! So the re-charged energy also not enough to use lah...

The class gathering was ok but not fantastic though. But love the last part where everyone played without 形象. Gossip and gossip. Drank and drank... That's hell lotsa fun ya. =P

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