Tuesday, November 09, 2010

1109. learning but not mastering

Rant of the day: Playing guitar is seriously tough and painful...
I just remembered that for 2010, I made only 3 new year resolutions on 06 April! This was what I wrote:
1) Learn inline skating

2) Do a long distance run event
3) Change a job to something I like (but of course should pay me enough as well)

Unfortunately, the inline skating thingy gave me a hairline fracture in my right ankle but I think I can at least stand up while in skates. Haha... Gonna do my first 10km run in coming December. Hope I survive it. As for a new job, sadly it didn't happen and I wish it did.

In just a couple of months time, it will be 2011. Suddenly, I've got this weird feeling. Scared of the unknown? Perhaps. But probably time just going on too fast. But maybe I need to really spend some time to think about my next resolution for 2011. And definitely, I need a new and better job.

Since I can't do inline skating, shall do the guitar. At least I learn something new bah. But it's another painful process. I'd just done some practises and my fingers are all numb!!! I can't feel my finger tips on the left hand!!! Still, have to thanks Kevin for giving me free guitar lessons. Gawd, I'm so over-whelmed by his musical talents lah. Plays drum. Plays guitar. Plays with those totally chimalogic photography stuff.

And all I have is just that stupid voice that couldn't even hold notes and keys properly!!!


Well, we can't choose our talents can we? No doubt we can learn, but surely without the god-gift, we just can't master "talents". So I'll just keep the guitar lessons thingy purely for learning on interest basis. If I can't do it good and steady, nevermind... At least  had been there done that.

Actually, I had done quite a few of these "talent developing" stuff but succeed in none. Here goes some of the stuff that I can still remember:
- Taekwondo... Failed my black belt not once but TWICE and I'm not planning on the third.
- Hip-hop... Too expensive to pursue and seriously, I felt that I'm always the oldest in class.
- Inline skating... My injured ankle proves too much for me to carry on but perhaps in the future, leisurely and slowly.
- Radio DJ-ing... Went a few lessons, competitions and auditions but nothing futile.

And I believe the list will go on. But hey, at least I tried right? No regrets.

Hmmmmmmm... Come to think about it, I'm always surrounded with musically talented peeps like Hansel, Xuan'an and now, Kevin. But why am I just sooooooo normal? I wonder what are my talents besides eating? Hahaha... Ok, include slacking and snacking in my list of talents too. =P

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