Sunday, March 16, 2008

624. i need more time

Rant of the day: Tired...

Haven't got the time to update my blog. There's just so many things to do and so little time to spare. How I wish there's more than 24 hours... But prolly there's more work to do if you have more time to use.

I applaud to the decision of the new state minister of Penang of abolishing the NEP, where Malays get priority in many social areas like education, job, tenders and etc. But apparently this move made the Malaysian PM really "mad". His statement almost made my jaws dropped -- "marginalise the Malays". But didn't he realised that with the NEP in place, he is the "culprit" of marginalise the Chinese and Indians. It should be a society based on meritocracy instead of race.

I'm glad I'm born as a Singaporean... seriously glad...

On current module, it's getting even more tiring to work on and it doesn't help at all when you are working at the same time. Moreover, I'd personal commitments to attend to. But the team is generally working well. Everyone has a part to play but it's only the beginning. We'll see if hiccups sets in along the way. But can we do the discussion on afternoon if it's on a weekend? It's damn tiring to do it at night.

Slept at 1am last night just to start working on the masthead. After mingling 1 hour with InDesign CS3, I gave up. It's back to Photoshop CS3 instead. Shall continue with InDesign again.

As for today, it's SUNDAY! Gotta set aside for my dear. Shall continue on designing while waiting for her.

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