Tuesday, October 06, 2009

964. revenue idol

Rant of the day: Hate my dark circles...

Revenue Idol audition is over. But I think I did not do well at all. Thanks to the irritating sore throat that I've gotten after the trip. Think I'm falling sick. Sneezing now. Throat very sore and dry. Drank a lot of water but ain't helping. Acne outbreak...

In fact, just before my audition in auditorium, I was still downing a large bottle of chrysanthemum tea but still, my throat ain't getting better before I hit the stage. There was still another unfinished lozenges in my mouth.


But I didn't wanna give up just like that. So, by hook or by crook, I'm going up and sing something even if my throat croaks like a toad.

Even though my voice didn't break halfway, I still sounded really nasal. Can't hit very high notes nor very low notes. Had to give up my original few songs that I wanna sing. But even with the song I sung on stage, I still couldn't hit the lowest notes properly.

So sad...

The judge's comments after my performance for Jacky Cheung's 心如刀割 and Mariah Carey's Hero:-
1) I think you did a pretty decent job.
2) Unfortunately, the first part of the song, the low notes wasn't well done.
3) The high notes are ok.
4) I like the way you stand on stage.
5) Stick to Chinese songs in the future.
6) Your rhythm and pitching are very well done.
7) If you have gone through some proper vocal training, you will be good.
8) You are singing with your throat.

Though I think I did better than some contestants, there were still many better singers out there... If I can qualify for the finals, that will be blessing in disguise...


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