Monday, March 08, 2010

1041. i learnt my lesson

Rant of the day: Black Monday... Not just the haze, my mood too...
I'd learnt my lesson...

Lesson 1: Always assume the people you wanna SMS to keep them update are idiots. Because they might not "know" how to hit on the reply option to either acknowledge the message or clarify when they are in doubt of the message.

Lesson 2: When not feeling well, don't be so nice just to take a few hours off to rest and return back to work. Because there are people who are simply to dumb to appreciate the effort. Some people are just not worth the effort to work so hard for... Just take a day MC and get enough rest lah... Best if you can get a few days more. They ought to learn the concept of indispensibility of staff.

Lesson 3: Do the enough. Don't need to work too hard because most of the time, the people "on top" don't even care. If need to, "act" a lil to show that you are "helping".

Lesson 4: When the people "on top" who doesn't have a brain talks to you, just nod your head and reply either "ok" or "yes". Their brain power can only accept and process these 2 words anyway.

Lesson 5: When you need to find a place to retain your sanity, scream into Twitter or blog. Else, I'll see you at the mental hospital in a couple of years time.

I feel so much better already after ranting all out. There's actually more to what really happened but to protect the identity (whether proven innocent or guilty), let's just take it till here... for now.

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