Saturday, August 09, 2008

683. new member at home

Quote of the day: 钱不是问题。问题是我没钱!

I'd finally collected the Saucony shoes. Ok la. Not exactly like that design but there wasn't much choice for me to choose from.

It's a pair of Saucony Orignals, cost around $70 plus. The plus point of their shoes is they are extremely light.

I have to officially annouce that we have a new member at home now. Let's all welcome Deric!

It's a puppy actually -- Japanese Spitz. Don't ask me why a human name for a puppy. It's not my "bright" idea. It's only 2 and a half months old, so have to cage it up to learn where to poop and pee. It's NOT cheap lor but fully paid by mum! It is quite cute really... Have yet to bark but I realised it does have slight cough. Not sure if it's really sick or just too uncomfortable with the new environment. I'll keep check on that. Hopefully nothing serious...

It's sleeping now. Shhhhhhh...

Well, Natsu Matsuri is just around the corner and dear is all hyped up about the event. For those who have no idea what the heck is it, it's actually the Japanese Summer Festival. Dear has always been an ardent fan of the Japanese culture. So, I'm just enjoying what she's enjoying now.

She bought a new set of Yukata, female Japanese traditional clothings for summer. This set cost more than $300! It's NOT a Kimono just for your info. Kimono is meant for winter.

I got my first Junpei, male version of the traditional clothings for summer. It's not cheap. Considering $70 for a set of light and airy cloth...

Oh well, a splurging day I suppose...

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