Saturday, April 28, 2007

457. 雨下整夜

Joke of the day: It's just another day in school and the mathematics teacher decide to pop some questions for the class.
Teacher : Timmy, if there are 5 birds standing on the wall and the hunter fired at one. How many birds are there left on the wall?
Timmy : None as all the birds will fly away after hearing the gunshot.
Teacher : The answer should be 4 but I like your answer.
Timmy : Teacher, let me ask you. There are 3 ladies sitting on a bench eating a 3 scoop ice-cream. The first lady uses tongue and tickles cautiously off the top scoop only. The second pushes the ice-cream all the way into her throat till she can feel the cone and pulls it out and repeats again. The third lady licks the base of the third scoop closest to the cone. Which of these ladies is married?
The teacher thought for a while and blushes.
Teacher : The second lady.
Timmy : Wrong. The answer should be the lady who is wearing the wedding ring but I like your answer.





昨天晚上也和dear,轩安和他的朋友,一起看了南大传播系第三年级的最后作品。有让我几乎睡着的、有拍手叫好的、有内容深奥的、有好兰剧本但大家都喜欢看的,也有趣味十足的。会对我参与这种放映会觉得奇怪吗?其实我会去看的原因很简单 -- 再不远的将来我也会是传播系的兼职学生,而这种放映会能让我对我以后可能要做的东西又跟多的概念。但我还是对广播有比较大的兴趣。


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