Saturday, September 01, 2007

534. fantastic movies

Quote of the day: HIV = Holy Innocent Virgins... Right...

2 movies on 2 days. Both movies are fantastic.

Yesterday was Ratatouille (ra-ta-too-ee), a story about a rat that can cook and a man who can't cook. Though I'm already 24, but I'm always a big fan of Disney's and Pixar's animation. Caught the movie with dear but wasn't my initial intention to watch as I've got planning to cut my hair and back home to work on my left-overs. But due to some last minute hiccups, I accompanied dear instead for the movie.

Ratatouille storyline was damn sweet for an animation but somehow, it touched my heart. Though the plot is a lil far-fetched but the way it was presented was fantastic. Logically speaking, rats DON'T cook and even if they do, I seriously doubt that I'll try.

There's alot of laughing points throughout the entire movie.
- beginning of the movie on the alien appearance where a newbie alien doing some sort of test
- the lightning which didn't kill Remy (the lead rat) and his brother on the roof-top
- tough female cook making sure the new guy don't get in her way
- bad guy keep "hallucenating" of seeing a rat in his restaurant premises
- when Remy tries out to taste the "essence" of food
- the food critic, Ego, flashes back memories after eating Ratatouille
But my all time favourite is when the entire colony "kidnapped" the rat inspector when they were all in the restaurant kitchen preparing food. Right... Haha...

Today was Bweh Bweh Yeoh (881 in hokkien) with Mum and dear. Mum's treat though. One word for the movie -- BRAVO! Somehow, I felt that it's not really a standard kinda movie but rather, a hokkien musical. I think Royston Tan (director) is a damn talented man! Who will ever try making getai as their movie? And he did...

Story was about 2 gals who inspired to be getai singers. They met while watching getai and later, grouped together to perform at getai. One, was seriously lacked of care and concern by her family. The other, seriously ill and life is running against time. They got together to form a gal duet named Papaya. The movie was filled with alot of laughter and tears. Tears of joy, pain and touched. And of course not forgetting, it's filled with hokkien and I was quite dependent on the subtitles. My dialects are pretty bad even though I'm a hokkien. Haha...

Songs are fantastic, even though they are all in hokkien. The vocals are amazing. The songs were sung with lotsa feelings. The actors are fantastic. The plot was touching and I teared in the final few scenes. There wasn't a happily-ever-after ending fyi.

Please applause peps! *claps* Support this fantastic local production!

Gosh, the movie really brings back some memories. When was my last time watching a getai? Hmmmmmm...

Now... I wanna watch Evan Almighty, Beowolf, Underdog and Bee Movie. But will I have the time and cash?

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