Wednesday, July 11, 2007

509. harry potter 5

Rant of the day: I hate peps who cut queue!

Finally, I can have a lil time to sit down and blog. I've been busy busy busy. Work. Family. Commitment. Relationship. 24 hours just doesn't seems enough!

Caught Harry Potter 5 just now with dear at the new Cathy Cineplex in AMK Hub. Nice place with perfect couple seats. I'm not much of a Harry Potter saga fan and had never read any of the book but I had watched most of the movies either in theatres or online. Dear was lamenting on different it is from the original storyline but as a non-reader like me, as long as the story is good, we have no complains.

And about the movie, not too bad I guess. At least the graphics and effects are damn good. The new gal featured in the movie, Luna, had this very exotic look. Think she'll be a super chio bu when she gets older. As for the Asian gal in the movie playing as Chang, think she got a lil plump. Hmmmmm...

Coming Friday will be a day of mixed feelings. First thing is I'm the presenter AGAIN for part 2. Fuk! It's the demonstration part and therefore it's long and dry. Secondly, it's a Friday and I have to wear formal for the seminar. Hate it... But, dear's dad company received the invitation for the Friday seminar and dear will be coming down with her sis. Hope that I don't get distracted. Also, it's pay day! Woohoo!

Well, it's late now. Nights peps!

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