Monday, February 04, 2008

601. child abuse

Rant of the day: Tuesday "blues"... Because I skipped the Monday blues. Haha...

Child abuse cases are everyday thing. We read and saw on TV for abuses at other countries. Babies being thrown into mid air. Children slapped, punched and kicked for no reasons. Sexual abuses cases galore. We all know how sick these stuff can go, but how about those going on in our very home?

Think many had saw this on news but wanna see all the clips? Follow through the links in sequence below as the embedded was disabled by the publisher.

Watching these clips makes my blood boil! At the very instance, I felt like putting my hands into the clip and slap that fucking maid! The baby is only 2 months old and the neck development ain't strong. Look at the way she flung the baby!

This is seriously too much...

What is it going on in these domestic helpers' mind? The term "domestic helper" is a better way instead of calling them maid but even though their status raised, pay raised and benefits raised, this is what we get for treating them nice. And we always preach that kindness begets kindness. Right...

No doubt, there are also bastards ill-treating their domestic helpers and such acts should not be let off easily too.

Anyway, for those who have employed domestic helper(s) at home, beware... You will never know what kind of helpers you had get.

Cleared another interview today. A remark by the interviewer till now that I still felt ridiculous -- "It is not wise to tell during interview that you will apply what you have learnt in school during work, because it shows that you have not done it before and has no confidence whether will it work or not. Companies don't like you practising in work place." What the heck right? If I don't apply what I had learnt, what's the point of us studying? What a brainless remark. I felt belittled...

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