Monday, February 11, 2008

607. school starts

Quote of the day: Don't hide the truth. Just filter it.

It's back in school today. It's a love and hate affair.

The monotonous lecture almost put me to sleep. And I still can't really pronouce my lecturer's name properly. Whatever... He is kinda too strict to a class of working adults but I get what he means. Here are his house rules:

  1. No usage of mobile AT ALL TIMES, else he will not continue till the usage stops.
  2. No talking till it's our turn during discussion or presentation, else see point 1.
  3. Classes start at 7pm SHARP and will not wait for any latecomers, even though all of us rush to school from work.
  4. Individual laptops are to start up before class as the start-up music is a distraction.

Most of it I can understand as it is disturbance to the class but point 3 is a lil too harsh for working adults. It is sooooo difficult for many to just reach school on time as some knocks off at 6pm and together with all those traveling and jamming, it's too hard to comprehend. All the previous lecturers gave a 15min buffer for us to reach but this lecture shows no mercy.


But there's something I like about his class; we get to watch movies (not clips but ENTIRE DVD) during his lessons! Then again, he did mentioned that the movie we watch today is prolly the most entertaining one. So I assume the rest are boring shows. But after today, I've got a new idol -- Nick Naylor. If you don't know who is this guy, watch Thank You For Smoking screened in 2005. He's the man!

Anyway, dear is finally home from Taiwan. Gosh, I missed her so much! I've got so much to tell her but when I hear her voice just now, I just wanna quietly listen to her... 6 days is like a living hell without her around. Even though I looked ok, but I'm actually very lonely inside. Can't wait to see her tomorrow!

Have you ever being looked at by someone in the public that you have no fucking idea who the hell he or she is? Not those "buey song" stares. Not those admiration looks of what you are wearing. Not those "think I know you" looks. It is those looks that makes you feel naked. It is those looks that you feel sexually harassed.

And I got that just now! For goodness sake, it's another man giving me that look. Fuck! He's about mid-30s to early-40s and think he is not local. If it's a lady, fine... But another human with dick?!? And guess what, he's girlfriend was seating next to him, holding onto his hand. Why do I somehow attract attention from the wrong crowd?

And if you think it's just me, Sharon felt the same thing happening to me when we were on bus chatting while on the way home after school. The creepy "look" is just not right... Perhaps, it's the clothes I wear. Perhaps, it's the cologne I used. Or perhaps, I'm simply too HOT to handle. But seriously, I felt so naked just now and I am not joking...

Well, I still have school tomorrow. Hopefully it does not happen again...

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