Sunday, October 26, 2008

745. osteoporosis day

Relieve of the day: Almost there...

I'm not affected by this disease yet but I think it's good for everyone to be sort of aware of this on-going issue. Think about it... it's scary if a slight fall can kill. Osteporosis, a problem where our bones gets weak and brittle.

Anlene launched this new Anlene Concentrate. Comes in 4 packets per pack. Each packet contains 4x more calcium then our normal 2 glasses of milk!

The Osteoporosis Day is already over but you can still get the milk from any supermarts. The roadshow was held at AMK Hub when mum, dear and I happened to walk pass that day.

Mum was jogging on the spot vigorously, hoping to win the $800 cash and 3 months supply of the Anlene Concentrate.

Doing a check on her bones. Results ain't very promising mum... More milk please. So mum happily grabbed about 6 packs, which gives her a total of 24 packets to last her... erm... 1 month?

I think I'm quite safe... for now. I drink milk EVERY morning!!! It's like my daily regime. Haha. Good advice to start early. Why wait right?

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