Friday, March 30, 2007

434. birthday dinner

Note of the day: Enjoyable weather. Enjoyable day.

A day where everyone is around for a nice dinner. The same happened roughly one year back. Somehow my birthday had became some sort of reunion dinner for everyone. But I'm happy about it of course. It's really hard to get everyone together for a decent meal.

Anyway, we went back to Changing Appetite for dinner. Mum's first trip but she's happy about the arrangement. Of course, astonished by the serving size of their burgers. I've decided to go for something else instead -- their famous CA steak. Well, meat wish is a lil over-cook but hard to control it as was being served on a hot plate. Mum ordered a "Cheese the Chicken". Nice filling with mangoes. Dear had a dish of pasta, "Spice it up". Not that spicy but not everyone can take the strong taste of pepper. Not a problem for dear of course as she's the "spice" gal! Woohoo! Brother had the GIGANTIC BARBARIAN burger! It's huge but never a problem for brother's diet! I'll got for it when I'm really hungry. As for Kelly (brother's gal), a pamersan fish and chips. Delicious! Can't imgaine cheese to go well with fried fish!

Besides food, we've ordered drinks this time round. Some drinks comes in regular and LARGE sizes. Warning: DO NOT attempt to try the LARGE size yourselves unless you are really thirsty!

Chocolate Banana cake from Prima Deli. Delicious and yet at low price. A cheaper alternative if you can't afford Secret Recipe. And it's really decently well done!

It's really an enjoyable night! How I hope it could be like this every year...

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