Saturday, March 31, 2007

436. birthday surprise

Note of the day: Oh I love my K800i so much!

All turn's out well. Ok, not so well after all. We didn't really party much as the baggage deposit counter was full and the ladies decided to take an early depart. I mean we can't really enjoy with all the barang barang lying around right? And seriously, they should look into expanding the deposit counter area. Considering the branding and stuff like that, should the service be more well covered? By the way, we went to the famous club starting with "M".

Anyway, dear gave me a small surprise cake last night. I'm so touched. Gracias to the Malay couple whom offered us some champange outside Zouk when they knew that it's my birthday.

Took some photos outside Zouk and I love this photo best. Nicely taken by Arina. Thank you so much.

Just home from a small BBQ back at office. Dear and I were specially invited by my ex-colleagues. So nice of them. Elaine's birthday coming next month. So another round of BBQ coming up.

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